Wednesday 2 December 2015

November 2015

This month our theme was Fantasy where we talked about Cowboys, Princesses, Knights, Dinosaurs and Superheroes.
The children had great fun acting out stories on the themes, creating designs in the small world theme and constructing art pieces.

Religion and Aistear
The children used the Aistear programme to learn about some of the stories in our religion book. We acted out the stories of Zacchaeus, Jesus calming the storm and the Good Samaritan. It was a really wonderful way to integrate our religion programme with the Aistear structure.

Arklow Colouring Competition
Congratulations to Layla and Molly on being selected to go forward to the final in the Arklow Colouring Competition.

Science Week
The children had great fun partaking in the Science Week. The children learned lots about famous scientists and visited the 3rd-6th classes Science Exhibition.

1st Class
We said good bye to our 1st class children. While we are very sad to say goodbye to them but it is a really great new path for our school.