Friday 19 August 2016

June 2016

June 2016
June has been a very busy month with lots of exciting things happening in the infant room. We went on our school tour, visited the playground, continued with our Aistear and performed our favourite hymn "the birds up on the treetops" at our end of year service. I can't believe the time has come to say goodbye to my senior infants as they move onto 1st class. I know they will be wonderful as they move onto their next adventure and hope they come back to visit us in the infant room from time to time! We look forward to welcoming the new infants in September.
Have a wonderful Summer. Xx

School Tour
We had a fantastic day for our school tour down in Wexford.
First we visited a lego workshop where we had an opportunity to make lots of different creations with lego. Then we went to the beautiful Curracloe Beach where we enjoyed an ice-cream, had a beach scavenger hunt and built sandcastles. It was a really magical day and we were so lucky with the weather.

We visited our local playground and had a lovely picnic in the sunshine,

We learned all about animals and we had an exciting visitor from a Vet.

In addition we learned about the animals you would see in the jungle, we went on a minibeast hunt and we built our own vet surgeries in small world.