Tuesday 3 May 2016

April 2016

We have been very busy visiting lots of different countries:

England – We constructed crowns and royal guards in art. In reading and writing we wrote a letter to the queen. In small world we constructed lots of sights around England and in home corner we pretended to visit the sights and learn more about them.

France- Then we headed off to France and in art we constructed an Eiffel Tower, a French Flag and a French man. In reading and writing we made & wrote postcards from our visit to France. In small world we constructed lots of bakeries, the Eiffel Tower and Euro Disney and in home corner we pretended to visit the sights and learn more about them.

Australia/New Zealand- In art the children tried to replicate the dot paintings that the Aboriginal people created. In reading/writing the children drew sights/animals you would see in Australia/New Zealand. In small world the children constructed fantastic versions of Ayres Rock, the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the great Barrier Reef. In addition we were very excited to welcome Emma's Mum who is from Australia to tell us all about life in Australia.
Due to the official opening ceremony we didn’t get to start the America theme, but we will be going to America in May.

Also when we came back from Easter we had two days before our new theme kicked in for Aistear so we learned about Spring through Aistear.  We painted beautiful Spring Flowers, created Spring farms on small world, wrote a Spring poem on reading and writing and acted out the story of Come On Daisy on home corner.


Write a Book.
The senior infants entered the write a book competition and wrote beautiful books about the seasons. The person who corrected our books said the standard was very high. William, Emma & Ellen all received highly commended and Layla won the merit award. Well done to everyone.

Opening Ceremony

It was amazing to be part of such a wonderful official opening ceremony. The infants performed “This little light of mine” beautifully and some infant children had a chance to be part of the ceremony. We were all very proud to be students of St. Saviour’s NS.

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